C TOKENS The compiler breaks a program into the smallest possible units and proceeds to the various stages of the compilation,which is called Token. lexical analyzer that perform tokenzation process. Types of C Tokens π₯ C Keyword Keyword are reserved word. In C language which has pre-defined meaning and syntax.C language has a 32 keywords.Keyword are must be written in a lower case letter.It is a combination of alphabetical character. Keywords are as follows:- π₯ C Identifiers ππ»Identifier is a user-defined word. ππ»Identifier refers to name of variable,function,array,structure,etc. ππ» Every identifier must start with upper and lower case letter. ππ» In identifier special symbols are not allowed. ππ» Every identifier must start with an alphabet with underscore. ππ» Identifier can only contain letter and digit.but it not start with alphanumerical. π?...