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Let's Be Technical

 Programming Languages And There       Importance      

Before you know about programming  language  we  must  know about languages. the language is a communication medium why which we can understand other person the language way of the transformation of various ideas and thoughts among people. After this  now we  know about programming language a programming language is a formal language, which comprises a set of instructions that produce various kinds of output. Programming languages are used in computer programming to implement algorithms. Most programming languages consist of instructions for computers.

How its Importance of Programming Language

  • Important in your daily life we use various device & tools that are works one the programming language like microwave ,ATM, Lift etc.
  •  Programming language is important  because it define semantics and grammar which allow the programmers to effectively b  communicate with the machine that they program.
  • A programming language  serves many purpose . you can instruct the computer what to do in a human readable form.

Why Do We Study Programming Language

  • Know the day their know any where the technology are used we well know that technology covered whole world day by day so keep up with technical environment  we should know about programming language helps us to technology very well. 
  • We study about the programming language  will help you better in technical industries, make more many
  • A programming language lets express computational task in many ways.

  Future of programming language 

   If we have knowledge a programming language then 

  • we can be a software Engineer 
  • we can be analyst 
  • we can be taster 
  • we can be developer
  • we can be web designer
  • we can be  graphic designer and any other.

       Application of programming language       


  • Communication:- By which we communicate there are several  apps and sites very fast for example  we use whats'app. what is whats'app it is a not a miracle it just a application which based on a programming language (ERLANG) like face book we are easily communicate to each other and face book app  use the programming language(PHP) .
  • Home Equipment:- There are a several home equipment based on programming language  used in daily life like microwave, AC,washing machine.and washing machine, microwave use the programming language (C).
  • Artificial  intelligence:- There are many games, comman sense task can solve easily used by programming language.tic-tac-toe game also based on programming language(C).
  • Medical Science:- Today medical science perform best using various equipment that are based on programming language. we see today there are many apps by which we can communicate directly to doctors and feel relief. Appointik app use the programming language (Android).   
  • Tour and Travel : Yes tour and travel also now you think how the answer is that we use Ola Uber and any other services for travelling they also based on prog lang. many services find there shortest path using programming language. OLA app use the programming language(Android). 
  • Banking: In banking and financial area there several apps and software made using programming language. PAYTM is use the programming language(C++, JavaScript).
  • Education :  In education area we can easily learn and share our knowledge to other using software  and application. 

We will make future tutorial available you soon.....

                    Currently Running Top 10 Programming languages.


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