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Showing posts from May, 2020

Java Language Tutorial

Java Programming Language Tutorial What is Java Java is a secured, object-oriented and general purpose programming language.It is a high level robust language. Java was originally designed for television, but it was advanced technology for the digital cable television at a time.At a time java is used in  internet programming,games,e-business,etc. History Of Java History of Java start with the Green team member is also known as Green team. Green team initiated the java project in 1991.  Firstly java was called green- talk. After it was called Oak.And In 1995 Games Gosling and his team changed the Oak name to Java. because Oak was already a registered company.   James Gosling and his team usually took a coffee which name is java coffee. java coffee is a famous coffee of java island of Indonesia So James Gosling choice java name for this programming language. Applications Of Java ✒ Web Application:-Web application runs on server side and create...

C Type Casting

TYPE CASTING What is Type Casting The process of converting one predefined datatype into another is called type casting. Syntax:- (datatype)value; C programming provide 2 types of type casting. Note:- If we are put a char (character datatype) so its print is ASCII  Code. 1.Implicit Type Casting:- In  C language datatype can directly convert into one to another by compiler without user interface is known as implicit type casting. In this casting the lower data type is automatically converted into higher datatype. It is also known as promotion of datatype. Example:- #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> void main() { clrscr(); int x= 10;  //integer x char y= 'a'; //character y,  ASCII value of 'a' is 97 // y implicitly converted to int .ASCII  x =x+y; float z =x + 2.0; // x is implicitly converted to float printf("x = %d, z= %f", x, z); getch(); } Output: x=107, y=109.00000 2.Explicit Type Casting:- In this type of typ...

C Jumping Statement/Branching

Jumping Statement/Branching    In C Language branching is to jump from one segment of program to another segment. Branching can be upward and downward depends on requirement of program,sometimes Branching is used to skip some segment of code.due to branching program flow is not sequential.  C language support branching by following statement. 1) Break                     2) Continue             3) Goto 1)Break Statement:- The break is a keyword in C. In C the break statement is used to breaks loop or switch statement.It breaks the control flow of the program at specified condition.We can use the break statement all the types of loops such as for ,while, do while. Syntax:- jump statement; break; Example: #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> void main() { clrscr();                      ...

C Looping Statements

Looping/Iterative Statements What is Loop one statements are executed one or more time .looping simplify the complex problems into the easy one.loop provides code reusability.  we do not need to write same code again and again.looping is used to traverse the element of  data structure. Types of loops 💥 For Loop:- In C the For loop is used to iterate a part of the program many time.In the for loop number of iteration is fixed. Syntax:- for(initialization,condition,increment/decrement) { statement }                                   Flow chart of for loop Example                                                                      #include<stdio.h>    #include<conio.h>...

C Decision Making Statements

  C CONTROL STATEMENTS Control Statements in C language enable to determine flow of program using various kind of statement.In c language mostly program executed by sequence but control statements can change flow of program by making jump within program.   3 Types of Control Statements are   Decision Making Statements:- This Statements is also called conditional statements.In C language normally program executes in sequence but some times there are number of situation where programmer needed to change the sequence .This involved decision making to see whether particular condition is true or not.            Flow Chart Of Decision  Making Statements Decision Making Statements support following statements:- 1.If Statement 2.If else Statement 3.If else if Statement 4.Nested if Statement 5.Switch Statements 1.If Statement:-  In C is used to if statements to control the program flow based on the condition. ...