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Java Language Tutorial

Java Programming Language Tutorial

What is Java
Java is a secured, object-oriented and general purpose programming language.It is a high level robust language. Java was originally designed for television, but it was advanced technology for the digital cable television at a time.At a time java is used in  internet programming,games,e-business,etc.

History Of Java

History of Java start with the Green team member is also known as Green team. Green team initiated the java project in 1991. 
Firstly java was called green- talk. After it was called
Oak.And In 1995 Games Gosling and his team changed the Oak name to Java. because Oak was already a registered company. 
 James Gosling and his team usually took a coffee which name is java coffee. java coffee is a famous coffee of java island of Indonesia So James Gosling choice java name for this programming language.

Applications Of Java
Web Application:-Web application runs on server side and create dynamic pages. Servlet,JSP, Spring etc this technologies are used to create web application.
Enterprise Application:-This application distribute in nature such as Marketing application.
Standalone Application:-This application is also called window based application. AWT and Swing are used in java for creating standalone application.
Mobile Application:- An application which is used to create for mobile devices.Android are used for create mobile application.

Features of Java

1.Simple:-Java language is simple programming language because removed complicated features example pointer, operator overloading.

2.Platform Independent:- Before you know about Platform dependent and independent .We must know about Platform.

Platform:-Any hardware or software environment in which a program runs is knows as a platform. So java is a platform independent language because java code run on multiple platform for example Window, Linux,Mac/OS etc. While java is WORA(write once run anywhere) language.

3.Secured:-Java is secure language because class file is not converted into source code. there is a lake of pointer that avoid security problem.

4. High Performance:-Java is faster than other programming language because java byte code is close to native code.Native code is code that can run on particular processor or platform. for example the byte code and binary code is one that can run on any machinery language platform.

5.Object-Oriented:-Java is a Object-Oriented programming language.In Java everything is a object. Java method call from objects. OOP'S concept are Class,Object,Polymorphism, Inheritance,Abstraction,Encapsulation.

6.Robust:- Java is a Robust because it is highly supported language. It is portable across many operating system. Java also has features of Automatic memory management and garbage collection.and system crashing bugs very rare in java.

7.Portable:- Java is a portable because java byte code run on multiple platform.

8.Distributed:-Java is a used to create distributed application for which java use RMI(Remote Method Invocation) approach.

9.Architecture-neutral:Java is a Architecture-neutral because size of primitive type is fixed and it access 4 bytes of memory both 32 bit and 64 bit architecture in java.

10.Multi-threading:- It is a process in which we can process many sub parts of single process each part of process is called thread.That are doing multiple task simultaneously. Threads are independent to each other.

11.Dynamic:- Java is a Dynamic because  of byte code .Java source code is compiled  by the compiler and converted into the byte code.A source code can written in one platform and run many platform. and it also load the class file at a run time. anything that happens at run time is considered as Dynamic.

12.Interpreted:- Java is both compiled and interpreted language.
The java compiler translate a java source code into byte code. The java interpreted execute the  translated byte codes directly on the
system that implements the JVM(Java Virtual Machine). both compilation and interpretation allow code checking and improved security. 




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